The Architecture study program, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University was established on September 10, 1963, based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture dated September 10, 1963. The Unhas Architecture S1 study program has UNGGUL Accreditation from BAN-PT which is valid until June 18, 2026. The Unhas S1 Architecture study program has also had AUN-QA international certification since December 29, 2018 and will end on December 28, 2023. In accordance with the nomenclature of the study program issued by the Ministry of Research and Higher Education dated December 5, 2017 concerning the adjustment of the name of the study program, the name of the Architectural Engineering study program changed to Architecture. In its journey, the Unhas S1 Architecture Study Program always evaluates and adjusts the curriculum based on the development of science and technology and user needs.
In 2021 the S1 Architecture Study Program revised the curriculum based on the previous curriculum, namely the 2016 Curriculum which has implemented a curriculum based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) and the National Higher Education Standard (SNPT), the 2011 Curriculum and the 2005 Curriculum which have implemented the Student-CenteredLearning approach (SCL) for nine school years starting from 2007/2008 to 2015/2016. After going through the process of reviewing and evaluating the 2016 Curriculum based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) and National Higher Education Standards (SNPT), SCL, as well as the implementation of Laboratory-Based Education (LBE) which began to be enforced in the 2016/2017 academic year, the S1 Architecture Study Program together with other study programs within the Faculty of Engineering revised the curriculum and prepared a new curriculum in 2021 through a transition process and has implemented The 2021 curriculum is based on independent campus learning.
In 2021, the Architecture Study Program revised the curriculum to the OBE-Merdeka Learning Independent Campus Curriculum which is valid for 2021-2025. The MBKM curriculum of the S1 Architecture Study Program of FT-Unhas is the result of changes and improvements from the 2016-2021 Curriculum based on KKNI and is part of the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka program in 2021, which begins with the implementation of the Curriculum Revision Workshop to solicit input from the KKNI and SNPT-based Curriculum Formulation Team from the Directorate General of Higher Education, input from stakeholders, evaluation of the 2016 curriculum based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) and National Higher Education Standards (SNPT), evaluation of the OBE-MBKM curriculum in 2021, adjustment of Aptari formulation standards, adjustment of AUN-QA certification standards.
Based on Hasanuddin University Rector’s Regulation Number 14/UN4.1/2023, in 2023 the S1 Architecture Study Program will align the curriculum based on the 2021 Curriculum or the MBKM Curriculum by adjusting the components of the 2023 curriculum towards a competency-strengthening-based curriculum.